Master Craftsman Program

The Master Craftsman Program at Kennesaw State University is housed the in the School of Art and Design, and serves to bring students and the community together through public art. Started in 2017, the program is student-driven and seeks to strengthen community ties while enhancing the student experience and public awareness of art. Students work with clients in the community to design, fabricate, and install artworks in a variety of materials and sizes. Students, many of whom are not sculpture majors, learn new skillsets which help to ready them for working as professional artists. They learn how to interact with clients, put together project proposals and quotes, and effectively pitch their ideas. They are also taught fabrication skills including welding and metalcasting. By taking part in the program, they become active participants and stakeholders in the community. The creative placemaking undertaken through this community engagement and partnership serves to enhance the surrounding areas and stands as a point of pride for the Master Craftsman Program and our students.




Iron Performance